A New Post

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“If life is a proof question, you yourself are the best answer.” Taiwanese author Hou Wen-Yong
Last night, in order to write this new blog post, I looked back at the records of my previous blog websites. The first blog post started in 2006, and I couldn’t help but think that back then, I hadn’t even graduated from college yet. I wrote words back then that seem somewhat similar to my current state of mind, and I had the same questions I started with.
Why write a blog?
The reasons for writing a blog back then were a bit unclear. Was it because of the high popularity of the “wretch” blog website at the time, which I admired and wanted to join, hoping to become in the spotlight? Or was it because there were no social media networks back then, and I wanted to say somethings that I didn’t want too many people to know. Yup, I did want some others to understand me, so I used the blog as the windows of minds. I’m not quite sure which reason it was.
Regardless of the reasons for starting back then, or simply not wanting to face my youthful self, I began on a new journey.
What does this new journey mean?
There are many reasons for starting this new journey, and I can list a few.
1) As I’m getting older, I need additional memory storage. Besides helping with memories, going back to look at my old blog also allows me to see how I’ve changed over time. And recently, with the habit of taking notes, I’ve started to realize that my thoughts change a bit every two or three months. This recording process makes me feel quite curious, and makes my life more meaningful.
Also, in the process of starting to write notes, I’ve found that looking back things is really interesting. I started 2) wanting to tell stories from the past. Especially the various things that happened in the board game store. Of course, there’s also the process of my initial career change, and how I couldn’t keep pursuing a career in music. Or the process of changing careers again and facing challenges along the way.
While reading through the old blog posts, I also found that I 3) like sharing my thoughts and enjoy being the one who shares it. This is probably the biggest motivation for me start writing blog again. Sharing stories with each other always makes me feel happy. I enjoying seeing the faces of everyone who enjoys hearing them, and I hope to hear various real-life stories and share my own through it.
What content do I plan to write?
As I mentioned earlier, I’ll be writing about a few things from my life.
The content will include my own reading of books and the practical process of applying them in life. Then there’s the record of the board game store in the past, the experiences between people, which not only helped me, someone naturally shy, become more comfortable in crowds but also shaped a part of my character. Lastly, there are some processes related to programming or life learning.
While I hope that this content can help others, I know that before I start writing, it’s most fulfilling and peaceful for me personally. If it can also help you, or if you find it interesting and relatable, I consider myself extremely lucky.
How often do I plan to update?
I really want to say, “It’s uncertain!”
However, seeing how incomplete the records were in the past, and how there were several years of blogging gaps, I can’t convince myself to do that.
Bascially, I’ll update every week. I’m thinking of scheduling a post every Thursday, so I’ve made this decision to avoid leaving too many gaps. Just like I really like the concept of Laozi’s philosophy, but recently I’ve come to truly understand,
“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” - Laozi
Before, I didn’t understand the concept very well, but now I can grasp it a bit. In life, it’s these little things that build up, and this blog will become a part of me. I hope that my future self, just like my current self, won’t be able to resist smiling, will see my own growth, and will gain the energy to remain calm and curious about things through writing on this blog.
So, that’s it! Hope to see you next time!